My name is Amy Pennington, I am a visionary writer interested in the path of healing through self discovery. I grew up experiencing many hardships such as my mother's death at age 6, to living with 8 different families growing up through adoption and foster care, and experienced a variety of sexual and physical trauma. My intention is to reach those who may identify strongly with their personal story and to be able to share the burden as we are not alone in our experiences. We can consciously come from where we have been and write a new story for our lives.
Ascension Plea is my brand with the intention to help humans on this planet. Ascension to me means to uplift, arise, emerge to the next level in life-To rise above from where we were before (emotionally, physically, spiritually). Plea- Is the asking for us to do better as humans and for God/Creator to also witness and help us live our lives in alignment with God’s will and our true purpose in life.
We are all our own authors of our story. I have designed clothing with my writing to inspire and connect humanity. I have also hand picked crystals, clothing, and other imports that I believe will help others with their path. We can heal ourselves through expressing our words and transform our lives.